Engineering and Physics Club

Student wearing an Engineering and Physics Club white shirt, with long brown hair smiling at a young girl with long blonde hair in front of her. The student is holding an inflated blue balloon over the young girls head and her hair floats up toward the balloon.
Photo taken during the 2024 Physics Demo Show

The purpose of the Engineering and Physics Club is to provide students who are interested and concerned in

  1. raising awareness of engineering and physics
  2. provide support to their peers
  3. supporting activities at Rochester Community and Technical College (全球赌博十大网站) with an organizational structure to accomplish that purpose.

The Engineering and Physics Club provides opportunities for career exploration, fellowship, creativity, and physics demonstrations. We participate in the STEAM summit each fall, put on public physics demonstration shows each spring, and tour engineering and physics related workplaces, both locally and (in April) on a larger trip. We are open to anyone with an interest in physics or engineering, in demo shows, or just participating in an active club.

Engineering and Physics Club Meeting Information

  • Date: Every other Monday
  • Time: 1pm
  • Location: ST212

Contact Information

Advisor: Rod Milbrandt

President: Ennrick Guerrero